Monday, July 27, 2009

F u mak cik...

finnly...ive rmmbred my psswrd..

n i hate tht F***ing aunty..or mak cik..or wtvr ppl call her....
i wnt my ball bck u F***er!!!
n stop scolding us 4 everythng
y the hell do u park ure car there in the 1st place...
stpd piece of shit.....
n kalo krete lawa xpe gak...
ni wira!!!!
dh basi plak 2!!!
tumbuk skali mesti rsk....

owh n esk prtdngn bola...
i cnt wait..
we may b the underdogs
but im sure we cn kick ass!!

n once again..F*** u mak cik!!!

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