Wednesday, March 18, 2009


1) It seems these english people were standing in a pub.One of them farts very loudly and the other one says,"Sir,you past wind before my wife!"

The guy who farted says."Sorry,old bean - i didnt realize it was her turn!"

* * * * *

2) There's this indian guy who can only say four words, "Big","Chief","No","Fart"

One day,the Big Indian Chief has a problem farting.So he sends the indian who knows only four words to a doctor.

"Big Chief no fart",says the indian guy.

So the doctor gave him a few fart pills.The next day,the indian guy comes back to the doctor because the indian chief still cannot fart.

"Big Chief bo fart",he says again.

So the doctor gave him a whole bunch of fart pills.The next day,when the indian guy goes to the doctor,the doctor asks "What now?"

The indian guy says,"Big fart,no Chief!"

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