Monday, March 23, 2009

ape dh jd!!!!!


rooney,scholes,...bodo btl...dpt red card...
dh arr klh!!!!
2-0 plak 2!!!!
dgn fulham plak 2!!!!
bodo btl...
buat ssh je aku tgk..
baek buat chemis!!!!

owh n harith

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Someone told me tht form 4 is a "honeymoon year".

But I tell u what,life as a form 4 is more taxing than u can ever imagine.There's too much of hw.I jst cant take it..well its not like im gonna finish them,but the school came up with a whole new system where each n every assignment carries marks.So i have no choice but to finish all my hw, which i failed at..miserably...

N then comes the worst part of being a form 4,watching ure friends,one-by-one,leaving u.At first u'll feel as though ure the only one living in this world.But as time passes,u'll make new friends n start enjoying ure life as ussual

So dear form 3,brace ureself for wht ure gonna face next year


1) It seems these english people were standing in a pub.One of them farts very loudly and the other one says,"Sir,you past wind before my wife!"

The guy who farted says."Sorry,old bean - i didnt realize it was her turn!"

* * * * *

2) There's this indian guy who can only say four words, "Big","Chief","No","Fart"

One day,the Big Indian Chief has a problem farting.So he sends the indian who knows only four words to a doctor.

"Big Chief no fart",says the indian guy.

So the doctor gave him a few fart pills.The next day,the indian guy comes back to the doctor because the indian chief still cannot fart.

"Big Chief bo fart",he says again.

So the doctor gave him a whole bunch of fart pills.The next day,when the indian guy goes to the doctor,the doctor asks "What now?"

The indian guy says,"Big fart,no Chief!"


im freakin sad 2dy..

my friend harith..
he's leaving me...

all my friends r gone..

now him....

im scared..
help me!!

(i know i sound gayish but i jst cant help it.tht doesnt mean tht im a gay)