Monday, January 4, 2010

hell-o f5

dmn i cnt believe im in f5 already
its like i was in f1 yesterday
n now im a spm candidate

n my final 1st day was ok (except 4 the fact tht i had 2 inhale cigarette smoke 4 about an hour
fuck u darn smokers)
new classroom,new classmate,new resolution new everythng
but i still cnt believe tht all our teachers r the sme
but overall it was ok
i hope the rest of the year wuld be pleasing

Saturday, October 31, 2009


exms r coming 2 and end
i bet i did pretty bad this time around
especially in add mths
speaking of add mths
amai managed 2 finish all the questions!!
i hate him..
we'll c next year
owh n i have this video which i want al of u 2 watch

Saturday, September 5, 2009



Tuesday, July 28, 2009


srry shaun,avi,darsh,izzul,farouqi,fithri...

i didnt produce anythng 2 dy n played like shit

im so so so srry!!!

especially srry 2 darsh..
i know ure not used 2 losing...
im srry...


tp xpe...
we'll come bck nest year!
n win!!
i promise!!!

owh n ezzat...
i really hope u get well soon...
i miss u!!
i swear i wont tease u again..
n im srry 4 teasing u in the past
get well soon

Monday, July 27, 2009

F u mak cik...

finnly...ive rmmbred my psswrd..

n i hate tht F***ing aunty..or mak cik..or wtvr ppl call her....
i wnt my ball bck u F***er!!!
n stop scolding us 4 everythng
y the hell do u park ure car there in the 1st place...
stpd piece of shit.....
n kalo krete lawa xpe gak...
ni wira!!!!
dh basi plak 2!!!
tumbuk skali mesti rsk....

owh n esk prtdngn bola...
i cnt wait..
we may b the underdogs
but im sure we cn kick ass!!

n once again..F*** u mak cik!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009


yay for MU
mng jgak..
n in a mesmerising style..
n thnk u macheda

Monday, March 23, 2009

ape dh jd!!!!!


rooney,scholes,...bodo btl...dpt red card...
dh arr klh!!!!
2-0 plak 2!!!!
dgn fulham plak 2!!!!
bodo btl...
buat ssh je aku tgk..
baek buat chemis!!!!

owh n harith